taking photos of themselves..
I thought that
how many people took a chance to try this express train,
how many people could have a chance
to get out their home town to see more, to experiece more..
to get to know there is much bigger world than their village..
I was not sure..
And I was not really sure
which lifestyle is happier..
I've been travelling a lot and sometimes I thought that I am living on the small planet of Earth.
However I think in the other way around that the dimension of physical space might not really matter for life..
No matter how big scale our life might span, the depth & richness of our life do not quite propotional the the spatial coverage..
So I changed my mind to envy them who has been living in the same place for a long time generation after generation with the all the same trees, flowers and grasses getting older togther with them.. with all the same color of moon wax and wane with same trajectory..
The Train went up to the mountain right after the departure of the Mumbai Station and I had a woderfull chance to have a great view of the mountain ranges and all the different trees and green field of Western India.
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