얼마전 이곳의 한국일보에 투고를 했던 글이 오늘 실렸다.
항상 디지털 화 된 폰트만 보다가 아날로그 식 활자체로 인쇄된 내 글을 보니 기분이 새로웠다.
하이텍 디지털 시대를 살아가면서도
아직도 느리게 걸을 수 있는 공간이 있고
이제, 느리게 생각할 수 있는 여유가 있고
또 비슷하게 느리게 살아가는 생태계의 주변 이웃들을 보며 감사해 했던 내용이었다..
뉴토니안 세계에서 느리게 걷기

Intermezzo: Cavalleria rusticana
more and more
i'm getting acknowledged to the beauty of Newtonian world.
moving here to there with our own pace
adjusting ourselves to the relevant set of space & time
is not anymore feasible as far as our business protocol is concerned.
as we shrink more of our space, i.e. as we fly faster,
we might have more pandemic tragedies
which will be totally out of control
like the one of today..
now we stand right in the middle of quantum world..
full of semiconductor and opto-electromagetic driven business
manipulating all the micro-level of uncertainties
for our own sake.
yes.. we are living in the world of micro robots
which could detect and fight against a single bad blood cell
which could wrestle against malicious bacteria
which might fix and replace even a single string of DNA.
we all live in the world of miraculous sheets of
filtering salt or contaminated water into fresh one
due to nano technology.. though yet economically feasible.
hopefully all these fused extreme technologies
could shed some lights on us in solving ubiquitous problems surrounding us.
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