
視覺認知能 Sense & Sensibility, Jarvis & King Street Toronto Mar 18 2009

Cognitive capability of human over visual image depends on resolving power of light of the receptor, i.e. retina of eye. Light is nothing but a bundle of energy which excites the recipient obects by transferring the energy. When an object gets lighted, it reflects some portion of light depending on the surface conditions and absorbs & transfers some energy into thermal or photo-synthetic form to energize itself leading deformation or dissolving etc. And on a molecular level the surface layer of the object gets excited and restored to its normal state by emitting its intrinsic forms of small energy bundle so that we can recognize the color of the object.

Not every animal has capability in perceiving the whole range of visible light, the beautiful rainbow color. Some animals recognize & react certain range of colors lots better because it's related to their survival. Some animals like snake is far sensitive in motions than colors to catch its prey while alive. And as far as I know, dog is only for grey level of colors. And fighting bull is really sensitive in red color.. Bat has active ultra-sonic capability so that they don't need any light to see for navigation, instead they generate ultra-sonic sound and perceive the reflecting patterns to interpret and recognize instantly..
I couldn't think aesthetics or any other beauties without thinking and appreciating the capability of human sensory system through eyes. The Creator gave us the sophisticated ability not only to survive but to have lot of fun with beautiful surroundings..

Colonel Boger's March


  1. "Light is nothing but a bundle of energy which excites the recipient obects by transferring the energy"

    I wonder what the mystical would have to say about this :-P

    only teasing :-)
    lovely colour experiment, I might be posting something similar soon.

  2. I expected a strong pushback from you, brillant Roxana. I am saying like that cause I'm living in the dark side of underworld under the huge banner of ecological propagada of "LIGHT is NOTHING, DARKESS is EVERYTHING!!'

    . totally teasing~ :p

  3. ha, totally teasing :-)
