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어윈 家의 대문.. The Iawins, Oxbow Saskatchewan Dec 11 2011
드넓지만 황량한 대평원..
인조 조형물이라곤 간간이 끄덕이고 있는 펌프잭과 목장의 펜스가 전부인데,
밴을 몰고 지나치는 내 시선을 잡은 깔끔한 것이 있었으니..
The Iawins.. 어윈가의 거처가 시작된다는 대문의 조형물이 선언적으로 서 있었다.
그 마지막 홀.., Nejapa Country Club Managua Nicaragua 10 2005
10월의 그리 무덥지 않은 늦은 오후의 햇살아래
언덕 위 그린으로 후려치는 우드의 경쾌한 기억이 가끔 떠 오른다.
니카라구아라는 작지 않은 면적의 나라에 오직 하나만 존재했던 컨트리 클럽.
수도 마나구아 인근에 자리 잡았던 국제 산업 단지내 다국적 공장들에서 근무하는
외국인 관리자들의 전용 클럽이다시피 했다.
불안한 정정이 수십년간 지속되며 궁핍으로 치닫던 나라.
하지만 시를 사랑하고 라틴 댄스를 즐기며
고된 하루 하루를 숙명으로 삭이며 살아가던 사람들..
거대한 공장들을 돌며, 프로세스와 장비들, 수많은 작업자들의 작업 과정을 살피다,
이곳 네하파 컨트리 클럽으로 들어서면 전혀 다른 세계가 펼쳐져 있곤 했다.
인간과 그 인간들의 사회가 부조리 한 것이 뭐 새삼스러울 것은 없었으나..
가난한 나라에서의 마지막 홀은 너무 이뻤다.
sweet snowstorm.., HW 402 E from Detroit Dec 2010
디트로이트에서 출발해 온타리오 주 런던을 막 지나던 즈음,
갑자기 엄청난 눈을 동반한 눈 폭풍이 몰아 쳤는데..
따뜻한 차 안에서 홀로 수백킬로의 여정을 느긋하게 즐기며 드라이브 해 가던 나의 심상은
비발디의 너무나 아름다운 선율.. 겨울의 2악장.. 바로 그것 이었다.
Vivaldi..Winter 2nd Movement : Chung Kyung Wha
차갑고 매서운 눈 폭풍 속을
이렇게 따스하고 달콤한 기분에 사로 잡혀 빠져 나올 수 있었음에
다시 한번 감사하게 된다..
자작나무, 푸른하늘 그리고 카투샤, 무스코카 2010 가을
자작나무를 보면 러시아 생각이 난다.
한번도 그 땅을 밟아 보진 않았지만
소련 시절 시베리아 상공을 지나며 끊임없이 펼쳐지던 자작 나무 숲을 볼 수 있었다.
그 얼어 붙은 땅, 늠름한 자작 나무 숲과 눈 사이로 구불 구불 흐르던 사행 천..
비행기가 발칸 반도로 접어들며 거대한 스탈린그라드 상공을 지날 때,
제철소에서 뿜어져 나오던 엄청난 양의 뽀얀 수증기와 거대한 크기의 스타디움 들..
그리고 스텐카 라찐의 노래도 떠오른다.
Stenka Razin
톨스토이, 도스토예프스키, 뿌시긴..
솔제니친의 수용소 군도를 읽다 보면
소련이라는 괴물 체제 하에서 러시아가 얼마나 황폐화하고 처참하게 죽어갔는지 알 수 있다.
Katyusha솔제니친의 수용소 군도를 읽다 보면
소련이라는 괴물 체제 하에서 러시아가 얼마나 황폐화하고 처참하게 죽어갔는지 알 수 있다.
the Surf Rockers.., Kensington Market Jun 22 Toronto 2008
서프 음악(Surf Rock)을 하는 칼리지안(the Calrizians)..
기막힌 기타 연주로 주옥같은 서프 음악을 들려 주었던 이들이 보고 싶다.
When I look back all the people I've been interacting so far, musicians are the least contaminated group of people. Far detached from any mundane value in the world, they just focus on their own music and they enjoy. Not many musicians can live with only money they can earn over performance so they need to have another work for living. They are happy though. People look beautiful when they do whatever they really like to do. For writers, painters or composers, I see lots of pain of creation. They need to squeeze their brain to create a plot, to compose a melody or lyric and to create the colors they satisfy. But the performers, once they initially mastered, they usually get more matured as they repeat the similar repertoire again and and again. And their level of satisfaction over their own performance gets higher and higher. Whenever I have conversation with these guys, I feel like I talk to lively children. I like them and actually envy them much.

Misirlou.. 일본 서프 그룹의 연주
기막힌 기타 연주로 주옥같은 서프 음악을 들려 주었던 이들이 보고 싶다.
When I look back all the people I've been interacting so far, musicians are the least contaminated group of people. Far detached from any mundane value in the world, they just focus on their own music and they enjoy. Not many musicians can live with only money they can earn over performance so they need to have another work for living. They are happy though. People look beautiful when they do whatever they really like to do. For writers, painters or composers, I see lots of pain of creation. They need to squeeze their brain to create a plot, to compose a melody or lyric and to create the colors they satisfy. But the performers, once they initially mastered, they usually get more matured as they repeat the similar repertoire again and and again. And their level of satisfaction over their own performance gets higher and higher. Whenever I have conversation with these guys, I feel like I talk to lively children. I like them and actually envy them much.
Running faster and faster.. don't know where to go though.., Snowy DVP Nov 12 2008
As human being residing on top of the ecosystem as supreme predator,
we are facing a grim era in whatever senses..
- economically it couldn't be worse; detonated by the imperialistic capitalism
indulgently driven by the States, nobody exactly dare forecasts
how much the economic tsunami devastates global villages..
- ethnic hatred couldn't be more blood-shedding;
Pakistan, Sudan, Somalia, and Eastern Europe..etc..
- religious conflicts couldn't need more bullets, bombs and suicide planes;
Muslim vs Christian, Palestinian vs Jews, even among small village tribes..
- Socio-political instabilities are all the time getting worse than before..

Down to physical earth, as far as natural resource is concerned,
it couldn't be more tragic than ever ..
some people in Africa risk their lives for the price of a bucket of water..
it's so fed up with the scenes of children with boated bellies that
no more sympathies arise .. not only somewhere in African countries as used to see
but in North Korea and other part of the world as well..
We have been consuming almost all the natural resources on earth
producing toxic chemicals , synthesizing never to be rotten monsters of plastics on a tremendous amount of volume and filling our beautiful oceans everyday with industrial garbage's and bio-&-radioactive wastes..
It might be a good time to overhaul everything from start.
We might have no other alternatives than reformatting everything
from individual level up to religious one..
Though we do know the extreme complexity of current system on earth,
somebody, some ideology, some movement or whichever driving force we need to have to
restart this whole thing new.
Where is somebody??
Any ideology to help us out??
Any rocket science to get out of this trouble?
Answer should be NONE.. Nonsense..
Inertia as one of fundamental law of physics applies well on collective behavior of human being. Nothing can stop.. Nobody can stop..
We just run faster and faster cause
either we have too scared to stop and get out to look around..
or we have still least insane or uncontrollable energy to push accelerator to move forward..
Today we see the gigantic automakers on the verge of bankruptcy..
As big as small independent nation, as powerful information gathering/analysis capability over market move as CIA, every BOD members have been well aware of the fact that they will not survive without radical renovation. Any idiot can figure out the uncompetitiveness over their ridiculous cost structure. But nobody dared to try cause that's not their incumbent concern. Company agenda might be far distant than their own personal agenda. Their only action is to threatening government over the round table in their private jet, nothing but a robbery over the tax payers' pockets..
.. Believing that I, myself, am the very reflection of the whole universe as others do..
.. I do my portion in here..to influence somehow..
we are facing a grim era in whatever senses..
- economically it couldn't be worse; detonated by the imperialistic capitalism
indulgently driven by the States, nobody exactly dare forecasts
how much the economic tsunami devastates global villages..
- ethnic hatred couldn't be more blood-shedding;
Pakistan, Sudan, Somalia, and Eastern Europe..etc..
- religious conflicts couldn't need more bullets, bombs and suicide planes;
Muslim vs Christian, Palestinian vs Jews, even among small village tribes..
- Socio-political instabilities are all the time getting worse than before..

Down to physical earth, as far as natural resource is concerned,
it couldn't be more tragic than ever ..
some people in Africa risk their lives for the price of a bucket of water..
it's so fed up with the scenes of children with boated bellies that
no more sympathies arise .. not only somewhere in African countries as used to see
but in North Korea and other part of the world as well..
We have been consuming almost all the natural resources on earth
producing toxic chemicals , synthesizing never to be rotten monsters of plastics on a tremendous amount of volume and filling our beautiful oceans everyday with industrial garbage's and bio-&-radioactive wastes..
It might be a good time to overhaul everything from start.
We might have no other alternatives than reformatting everything
from individual level up to religious one..
Though we do know the extreme complexity of current system on earth,
somebody, some ideology, some movement or whichever driving force we need to have to
restart this whole thing new.
Where is somebody??
Any ideology to help us out??
Any rocket science to get out of this trouble?
Answer should be NONE.. Nonsense..
Inertia as one of fundamental law of physics applies well on collective behavior of human being. Nothing can stop.. Nobody can stop..
We just run faster and faster cause
either we have too scared to stop and get out to look around..
or we have still least insane or uncontrollable energy to push accelerator to move forward..
Today we see the gigantic automakers on the verge of bankruptcy..
As big as small independent nation, as powerful information gathering/analysis capability over market move as CIA, every BOD members have been well aware of the fact that they will not survive without radical renovation. Any idiot can figure out the uncompetitiveness over their ridiculous cost structure. But nobody dared to try cause that's not their incumbent concern. Company agenda might be far distant than their own personal agenda. Their only action is to threatening government over the round table in their private jet, nothing but a robbery over the tax payers' pockets..
.. Believing that I, myself, am the very reflection of the whole universe as others do..
.. I do my portion in here..to influence somehow..

무단 횡단 주의 ㅎ , 무스코카 가는 길 Ontario 2011 여름
Endangered Animals.. 멸종 위기 동물들을 위한 표지판이 아니라
얘네들의 무단 횡단으로, 넋놓고 운전하다 위험해 처할 수 있는 인간들..
People in Danger.. 을 위함이노라.. ㅋ
뜨는 해.. 지는 해.. , HW 18 Oxbow Saskatchewan Dec 2011
같은 태양을 다르게 바라본다.
지구 상 어디에서는 떠오르고, 동시에 어디에서는 저물어 가고..
저물어감은 떠오름의 다른 표현이다.
Debussy.. Ballade
뜨고 저묾의 임의성과 상대성은 허튼 웃음이 나올 정도로 덧없지만
우린 어떻게든 구실을 만들어 구분하고, 구획하고, 또 갈라 놓고 싶어 한다..
사실.. 그 재미로 살아가는 지도 모른다.. ㅎ
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