
Peter on local newspaper.. :p, Kamsack SK Oct 18 2012

이곳에서 발행되는 지역 신문, Kamsack Times 에 지난 주 인터뷰 기사가 실렸습니다. ㅎ
그저 조그만 타운이긴 하지만, 삼십 페이지의 신문이 주간으로 발행되는데, 
일면에 저와 집사람의 사진이 실리고, 13, 15 페이지에 계속되는 소개 기사가 실렸더군요. 많이도 실었습니다.
기분이 좀 좋군요..

아래는 기사의 일부를 옮겨 본 것입니다. 참고로 제 호텔의 이름은 The Woodlander Hotel 입니다. 


Peter Shin and his wife Maryann Lee, who came to Canada from Korea eight years ago, purchased the Woodlander Hotel in Kamsack this month from Glen and Ruth Boychuk.
After having living in highly-populated cities most of their lives, the couple is impressed with Kamsack and his area of Saskatchewan which, they say, is "a really a wonderful place" that allows them to become involved in many activities, including fishing, skiing, hunting, golfing, and various cultural events, as well as being able to get to know residents as their neighbours.

One of Kamsack's newest residents has already become one of the community's biggest boosters.

Peter Shin, who with his wife Maryann Lee purchased the Woodlander Hotel this month, speaks superlatives when talking about Kamsack and this area of Saskatchewan. 
"This is a really wonderful place," Shin said last week as he was interviewed over coffee at the Woodlander restaurant.
"Kamsack has everything for a number one good living environment," he said, mentioning the hilly terrain and the lake. "It's beautiful."
A South Korean, Shin, in his mid-50s, is retired form the Hewlett-Packard corporation from a job that had required him to do extensive travelling and took him around the Pacific Rim, from Korea to Japan, Hog Kong, Singapore and California.
His wife had been working as a journalist for the Korean public broadcasting company.
"Eight years ago we decided to come to Canada so that our children could be educated under a more reasonable education system," he said, explaining that in Korea the education system is much too competitive and allowed little time for such things as sport and music.
"All the students do in Korea is study and prepare."
The couple's two children are still in Toronto where the family had settled upon arriving in Canada. Their daughter is in her second year at the University of Toronto, while their son is in Grade 12.


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